CIT Crawford College of Art and Design

Cork, Ireland
CIT Crawford College of Art & Design (CCAD) has been a constituent college of Cork Institute of Technology since 1992, but its own history extends to over 200 years of provision of education in the arts. The Crawford is an enabler of ideas‐driven, practice-‐based creative education and embraces new technologies.

The College has many links and collaborations with arts,  community, education and and business sectors and is a significant contributor to the cultural life and development within Cork city. It also has an international outlook with a history of european and international collaborations.

The Art Therapy department who is coordinating the Expanding realities project, offers many programmes related to art is social and health contexts along side art therapy programme. It has strong links with community based and social programme in the city. The department collaborates closely with the  GASP programme who are also partners in the  Expanding Realities project.

CCAD’s own gallery space, CIT Wandesford Quay Gallery, is a key point of interface between the College and the City.

CIT CCAD Wandesford Quay Gallery

CIT CCAD Wandesford Quay Gallery



Department of Art Therapy & Continuing Visual Education, CIT Crawford College of Art & Design

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